Attorney Profiles

  • Lawyer's License:14403200710327658
  • Mobile:13714587313
  • Telephone:0755-3536059
  • Fax:0755-3536059
  • Email
  • WeChat public number:sz164com
  • QQ:525048939
  • Address of correspondence:Guangdong Province Shenzhen city Futian District Yitian road Moon Garden podium 2A

Yanwu Meng, a member of the National Lawyer Association of China, admitted to the Bar of Guangdong province in 2000; a member of the web-based National Expertise Organizational Association of China, Supportive System of the Political and Commercial Decision-making; a member of the Legal Development Association of Shenzhen. Mr Meng is a partner at the Law Firm lawyer Guangdong Yu Si.

Mr Meng graduated from the law school of the University of Zhengzhou. He has worked in the Zhengyi Law Office of Anyang. He began his practice in Shenzhen from November 2001 as the legal advisor of the Longteng Corporation (Baoan district) of Shenzhen. From August 2003 to early 2007, he has practiced in Xingye Law Office of Henan and worked as the legal advisor of the Anyang branch of PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited and the Zhengzhou office of the China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation. Mr Meng successfully obtained the qualification for the right to practice in negotiable securities and the highest level in professional expertise in the field in 2005.

Mr Meng has accumulated rich experience in the provision of legal services from the numerous litigation and non-litigation cases he has handled throughout the years of practice. He has expertise in litigation arising from commercial contract, financial insurance, property, corporate law, marital law and family dispute. In addition, he has expertise in non-litigation services in the form of legal advisor.

Articles he has published include ‘Adversarial Trading System’, ‘Legal Procedure of the Currently Practicing Compulsory Car Insurance’, ‘Rationale behind the System of Annual Land Leasing’, ‘Analysis of the Strategy of the Chinese Guarantee System and the Guaranteed’ etc.

Some of the influential cases Mr Meng has handled include:
- Foxconn (Taiwan) vs Longteng Corporation
- Infotech Asia Limited vs Xiezhi Corporation (Hong Kong)
- Wenzheng Wu finance bill cheating
- Xiehua Zhao vs Shenzhen Municiapl Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management

Mr Meng has expertise in dealing with various problems arising from the running of a firm, areas including: corporate litigation, non-litigation legal disputes, commercial contract, right transfer of stockholders, legal assistance in commercial trading, protection of intellectual property and etc. Mr Meng has an in-depth understanding of various types of contracts and contractual disputes and is capable of providing constructive legal advice in this field. He is able to assist clients in legal risk avoidance and construct a precautious system in risk management. He is capable of providing legal advice to his clients regarding major management decision-making, the signing of international commercial contracts, labor relations, drafting of regulations; so that they will be in compliance with the law of China and to avoid disputes and litigation to the maximum degree, and lastly protect the interests of the clients.



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